Justin DiIani
Justin - Shoe Buyer & USATF Certified Coach

Years Running: 20 years of serious running, but have been running since I could walk

Favorite Shoe: Brooks Launch

Favorite Quote: Believe in yourself, know yourself, deny yourself, and be humble. – John Treacy

Most Cherished PR: 28:16 for 5 miles

Why I Run: I just can’t stop

Matt Imhof
Matt - Director of Training Programs, USATF Certified Coach & ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Years Running: 30+

Favorite Shoe:New Balance Fresh Foam Zante and Boracay

Favorite Quote: Do or do not, there is not try. -Yoda

Most Cherished PR: 29:10 – 5 mile at the 1994 Runners World New Year’s Eve Midnight run in Central Park, NYC. (and) 3:23 Philadelphia Marathon 1994. Ran 25 minutes faster after imploding at Marine Corps Marathon 3 weeks earlier.

Why I Run: I run because it is my time for me. No music, no kids, no phone. Just peace and quiet out in nature. It makes me realize how good I have it and what it feels like to be alive.

Sue Albert
Sue - Monroeville Store Manager & USATF Certified Coach

Years Running: 20 years

Favorite Shoe: New Balance 110

Favorite Quote: If you can dream it, you can do it!” – Unknown

Most Cherished PR: My first 100mile race: American National 100 Mile Run Championship Olander Park 19:40:50 & Erie’s 12hr Endurance Race did 70miles in 12 hours 1st overall!…

Nick Walton
Nick - Director of Timing Services

Years Running: 2 1/2

Favorite Shoe: Brooks Glycerin

Favorite Quote: "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas A. Edison

Most Cherished PR: My 278 bowling game. I don’t run many races.

Why I Run: I run for fun and to stay fit when I am not playing other sports.

Kevin Smith - Owner

Kevin Smith - Race Management Director

Years Running: If you consider my speed, slogging is a better term, and many years is the answer.

Favorite Shoe: (all time) Brooks Hyperion

Current Favorite shoe: Brooks Flow & Hoka Huaka

Favorite Quote: Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – John Wooden

Most Cherished PR: 24:30 in the 5K. Slow, but light speed for me in my career

Why I Run: So I hopefully live longer

Sherah - Sales Associate

Years Running: I never remember! My mom signed us up for a track league when we were little kids…I started running year round in 8th grade!)

Favorite Shoe: By far the Asics 2100’s

Favorite Quote: Comparing yourself to others can cause you to miss great opportunities – Unknown

Most Cherished PR: Harrisburg Marathon 2012 – 3:56

Why I Run: It clears my head and gives my life structure.

Elizabeth - Sales Associate

Years Running:  20 +

Favorite Shoe: Any by Brooks or Saucony

Favorite Quote:  If i have to explain why i run, you wouldn’t understand. – Unknown

Most Cherished PR: Seattle 1/2 marathon June 2010 1:47:10

Why I Run: See above (my sanity, mental clarity, and my desk job!)

Andrew Glod

Andrew - Mr. Go To at Elite

Years Running: 11 years

Favorite Shoe: Brooks Adrenaline

Favorite Quote:  “The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.”  - Juma Ikangaa 1989 NYC Marathon winner

Most Cherished PR: Since it is unlikely I will be competitively preparing/racing for distances under 10k, I am most fond of my 52 second 400m and 17:11 XC 5k times.  That being said, I am most proud of my first marathon finish–no time needed..

Why I Run: Because I am inspired by what I may become when I do.

Gary Carmichael
Bobbi Jo - Begin to Win Coach & RRCA Certified Coach

Years Running: 3 years

Favorite Shoe: Saucony Kinvara Runshield

Favorite Quote: "There will be days you don't think you can run a marathon... but there will be a lifetime of knowing that you have."

Most Cherished PR: 2:08 for my 3rd half marathon ever in Erie or my most recent 26:03 5k! 

Why I Run: It's become a huge coping skill for me, I love the friends that I run with and to maintain the weightloss that I have achieved.  

Lora Gress
Lora - Sales Associate Monroeville Store

Years Running: 3

Favorite Shoe: Asics Gel Nimbus 14

Favorite Quote: Maybe strong is what you have left when you’ve used up all your weak

Most Cherished PR: 4:40:15 for the marathon – over an hour faster than my first!

Why I Run: I’m addicted and just can’t stop. I love the challenge of constantly trying to improve upon my past performances.

Cristin - Sales Associate Monroeville Store

Years Running: 6 years

Favorite Shoe:Asics Gel Noosa and Altra Torin

Favorite Quote: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to run in the rain.

Most Cherished PR:  My BQ in the Poconos in May 2013 and half iron man July 2015 were huge personal accomplishments. But some of my "best" and most cherished races have been my slowest times.

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